China 1980s – People of Inner Mongolia

A retrospective of the people of Inner Mongolia, 1981-83.

Working on a project at Wengniute in Inner Mongolia in the early 1980s when China was in its initial phase of “opening up” was a privileged and immensely rewarding experience. The project had a very high status in Beijing, and was well publicised. A heady experience for a young man on his first overseas assignment.

The photographs exhibited here represent a selection of the extensive landscape and people photographs I made during that time.

The people remain at the foremost of my memories of the Wengniute experience. So it is appropriate that those people are the subject of this series.

Inner Mongolia, China

Inner Mongolia, China

In the photographs you will see work counterparts and their families, interpreters, drivers, cooks and gardener, gatherings at the local cooperative store, outdoor film shows, the naadam (Mongolian tournament) and, of course, banquets.

Inner Mongolia, China

I chose black and white as the medium because it conveys the lives and character of the people so well.

The collection is a unique record of that time and place.

The series is presented in this gallery

Alternatively the series, set to the music of Hanggai, may be viewed as a video on Vimeo:

Pegasus Seascapes

During 2011 and 2012 I made a series of photographs towards the horizon from the same point on the Pegasus Coast, just north of Christchurch, New Zealand. The idea came to me during one of my regular rides along the coastal sector of the popular Bottle Lake Forest Park mountain bike track.

I was reflecting on how dramatically the seascape changes day to day and decided to record those changes as a long term project.

Pegasus Coast Horizon
Replicate views to horizon spanning one year.

This was a great opportunity to combine photography with mountain biking.

The resultant series confirmed my observations and highlighted the dynamic colours, textures and moods of the coast.

A selection of the series, which totalled about ninety photographs, is presented at Pegasus Seascapes Gallery

Alternatively the series may be viewed as a video on Vimeo:


Pegasus Seascapes

For descriptive notes refer to the blog in above menu.

The series may be viewed as a video below the gallery.




The above series may be viewed as a video on Vimeo:


China 1980s – People of Inner Mongolia

For descriptive notes refer to the blog in above menu.

The series, set to the wonderfully evocative music of Hanggai, may be viewed as a video below the gallery.




People of Inner Mongolia gallery set to the music of Hanggai:




Peter Harris
New Zealand

All Images Copyright 2005 to 2025, P S Harris NZ. All Rights Reserved.